Having added water-walking to my work out regimen, having followed a diabetic diet for over a month now, and having lost five pounds I was hoping that, at my routine check-up yesterday, I would get some good news, that all my hard work was paying off, that I would have a healthy but SMALL baby, that my chances of delivering naturally were good.
Fat chance.
The doctor took one look at me and said "You are growing a big baby in there. I'm pretty good at figuring out someone's gestation just by looking at them across the parking lot. But if I didn't know better I would say you were full-term."
I am not full-term for another 3+weeks.
She said I am measuring as if I were carrying twins or as if I were month further along.
Supposedly, I am doing all the right things to keep this baby small, but I'm just genetically destined to have big babies. Her guess is that my baby is already 7 pounds, but our next ultrasound isn't for another month. She ended our appointment by adding that it looks like this baby is trying to outdo her sister. Magnolia was 9 lb, 12 oz.
I am trying not to be too disappointed. We are both healthy. Giving up sugar is getting easier and keeping my weight down means I will have less to lose after she is born. But I see my chances for a natural birth slipping away.
Shannie --
I cannot know how this news makes you feel, but I imagine and sense a little disappointment. Remind yourself the goal is for you and RB2 to be healthy however she comes into the world. We will be there are ready to celebrate!
Love, Dad
"genetically destined to have big babies" ... you say its in the genes huh...
Yep, not much you can do about it honey and I know you've been trying to do all the right things. It's in the genes. Sorry Alli! But, you've also done everything you can possibly do to make sure that you're both healthy. Who knows maybe your pelvic bones are ready to open up wide this time and she'll come naturally before the doctor can decide otherwise. We can always hope!
No worries.
That must be really disappointing, Shannon. I'm so sorry to hear that. :( I'm grateful, though, that we are living in a time where there are other options. Even if we would prefer not to have to use them.
I'll be praying for these last few weeks ...
P.S. I was 9lb.4oz. and my brother was 11lb.4oz., so if a person really can be genetically destined to have big babies, I've probably got a good chance of joining the ranks. :)
I can imagine the disappointment, and I'll pray for you and this sweet little girl. I'm pretty sure that all the really cute ones are huge though. Cute must weigh a lot. :)
natural child birth? meh. healthy baby and mommy, yay!
A friend of mine who I work with has the tiniest frame you could possibly imagine (like, size 0 jeans), she had a similar problem. First baby was nearly 10lbs, and baby number two was almost 12lbs - and she had a natural delivery for both. I have hope for you!!
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