Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Gruss Gott

That's hello in Bavaria. We went to the Bavarian tourist town of Leavenworth yesterday. My dad's "morale event" for work, river rafting, ended in there, so my mom and I decided to drive with him and take in the outdoors and the shops.

After going for a drive around Lake Wenatchee and letting the dogs play just long enough for us to be eaten alive by mosquitos, we hit the shoppes. The most fun was in the hat shop. I included a few of my favorites here, but there are more on flickr.

Magnolia, having only seen her Canada hat, was amazed by the variety of hats in the shop.

Viking Queen or Opera Star of the future?

Half Princess Half Jester

We ended the day by joining my dad's team for a wonderful dinner at Pavz. I highly recommend it if you are ever in Leavenworth. They have amazing crepes!


Anonymous said...

Hey Shannon, looks like you had a ton of fun in Leavenworth! I have such great childhood memories of visiting during the holiday season with all the snow and the Christmas lights -- but I am sure it is equally lovely in the summer too!

Hope you are doing well,

P.S. We were just learning some of the different German dialects in class last week, and in Bavaria it is actually: Grüss Gott (or Grüß Gott if you have the special keyboard!). Greetings to God!

Shannon said...

Thanks Mandi for the correction! I was trying to find it last night on the Internet.

calia said...

I love the picture of Magnolia in her princess hat...her hair looks RED!
