Can you believe it? That little Munchkin you've been reading about is 6 weeks old! I weighed her this week and she came in at a whopping 12 lbs 3 oz! I haven't measured her length recently, but I did try to put on a sleeper that was sized at 0-3 months and she couldn't straighten her legs.
Maggie is learning and developing quickly too! The playmat that her Grandma and Grandpa Rush got her provide lots of entertainment for Magnolia and a few free minutes for Mama. She regularly bats at the hanging toys, stares at the objects with happy faces along the side, and has even started clumsily reaching for her favorites.
Magnolia has made a few discoveries:
+ your fist almost fits into your mouth
+ if you poop a lot, you get to have a bath
+ when you cry you get what you want and the louder you cry the faster Mama and Papa try to figure what you want -- The other day she was quietly fussing on her playmat so I came over to talk to her. As soon as she saw me she turned on her full-strength cry. What a drama queen!
+ Nana is a funny lady
We're still working on "tummy time" and going to sleep for the night before 1 am.
I posted a response to your question on my blog, (just in case anyone else needed that information too), but wanted to direct you to
which is where I found the idea, and it seemed like an open invite to participate!
Have fun!!
Nana loves her Maggie! She's such an angel!
Just looking at Maggie's picutes again this morning, she has so many expressions! A drama queen just like her Nana.
But, I must say that the darling beard in the first photo really caught my eye. It has grown so long and seems to be hovering over Maggie. I had hoped that the added attention given to "the beard" would appease it so as not to create more jealousy towards the baby. You know, Beards over Babies and all! Tell me she's safe and is in no danger of being attacked by the ever growing "beard".
A concerned loved one!
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